Thursday, August 6, 2009

aku bangge jd anok teghanung.

baru2 ni aku ade la bace se buku ni.tajuk ye GROWING UP IN TRENGGANU(ihsan kak emi).
penulih ye AWANG GONENG a.k.a WAN A.HULAIMI.
dalang buku tu ye cite la pasal teghanung.....pasa kepok,budu.kuale teghanung,kemamang,sejaroh teghanung,rakyak2 teghanung,kambing,pokok nyor,n so on so on mase zamang ye kecek2 dulu..(4 those who have problems to understand diz,i'm sorry...).

n it make me realize dat my hometown n my 'teghanung' is such an interesting n of course a unique place.
dis awg goneng is so proud to be a terengganuer.
when i read his blog juz now,he taught all the readers on how to understand terengganuspeaks..n dat was so cool mannn!
though he's living in London now,he never forget his only TERENGGANU.

by producing such a nice book,i guess awg goneng had managed to promote teghanung all over the world..
well, u can search 4 his blog kalu2 rase nok blajo cakak teghanung laa..

n dats y la aku rase nok cakak teghanung je.haha.
n of coz aku sangak2 berbangge jd anok jati teghanung. =)



cann said...

aku dok au la bangge ke dok..aku rase biase je..haha

wani ² said...

same r ngn aku..
xtaw nk rase gane jd ank ganu ni..
cam bese je..huhu