Thursday, July 23, 2009

quote by mark twain

Twenty years from now you will be more dissappointed by the things that you didn't do than the one you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.Sail away from your safe harbour.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.


uisk cam xpercaye je aku semalam dow.
1st time aku makan byk kat bumi kmb ni.
kalo x cam org nk diet je dr gaye aku makan..

ok laz nite after ceramah agama kat surau
(yg giler3 panjang sampai aku yg starving giler ni rase pedih perut)
aku trus pi foodcourt.wanna noe what the hell i ate??
nasi goreng kampung + ayam goreng + burger ayam + aiskrim goreng

banyak giler dow..x penah2 aku makan sebanyak 2 kat kmb ni.
aku pn same terkejut semalam babe..
2 x include mee tomyam yg aku cilik sket from mahalia.hehe..
giler la aku ni kalo bab2 makan..
and and im so damn happy today coz ley balik umah 4 d weekend!!!!
yippe!!!!!!!!!!!ley makan besh2!ley on9!
ley mcm2 la ape yg org slalu wat kat umah..ngee

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


rindu gile VV girls!
ntah bile diri ni akan balik kemaman..
macam dah bertahun2 tak jumpe.
haih! rindu keropok lekor, pantai, SI2, sleepover..
semue bende kat kemaman kot..

ok...dah blank

pape pun, korang take care ye di mane2 pun korang brade skrg ni..

lovelove ZAZA

wanna share sumthing

when you lose someone close to your heart
see your world fall apart and you try to go on but it seems so hard
allah knows allah knows

it's a quote from a song..
ayat ni kan btl2 tepat utk menggambarkan diri aku 3 bln yg lps babe..
mase tu kan allah je la tempat aku mengadu..
mcm kan mase 2 mmg dugaan paling hebat la yang aku penah alami..
erm..renungkan lah yerk..
anyhow aku tetap bersyukur coz aku ade VV gang yg always there for me..
thanx babe!!!

they say it takes a minute to find a special person
an hour to appreciate them
a day to love them
and an entire life to forget them

i'm not sure abt the 1st three lines but hell yea it takes
an entire life to get over the person that you love babe..
it's been almost 4 years..aku pn da naik cuak ow..
ntah pape la aku ni..nak kate bodo result spm aku ley thn gak r biapn bkn straight a's.
erm..for me falling in love once is more than enough to last me a lifetime dow..
mebi sumday aku akn jupe gak sum1 that is meant for me..
jodoh kan di tangan allah..
so berserah je r kan kan kan...
juz enjoy life...ngeee
sorry kalo jiwang sket post aku kali ni..
aku pn ngah agak xbrape nak btl ni..

what the hell??!!

tension r aku ngan kmb ni dow..
ade ke patut die batalkan cuti 7-9 ogos??
ntah pape r..nyampah babe..
bengong sebengong bengongnya la..
aish....da r harapan aku tinggi menggunung nak jumpe segha,mai,zaza,tghex....
sediy dow........i miss u guys like hell!!!!
rndu nak giler2 ngan korang....da r mase skewl dulu korang yg slalu took care of me..
rndu giler kat korang babe...

ptg td 1st time aku pegang raket tenis..
cam org cacat je aku main td..
fun mmg fun tp bola yg aku pukul slalu senget dow..
xde ke operation utk membetulkan tangan aku supaya jd normal??
aku wat line gune ruler pn ley senget gak..
aish..cacat la aku ni agknye..
mebi sbb aku ni lahir songsang dulu kot..
sbb tu tangan jd xbetul..
haha..tah pape la..

Monday, July 20, 2009

english carnival in kms

people from different colleges

arvi,solo and me

bdk2 games



englisg carnival overall ok la..
but the ice breaking session boring giler ok.
but during the booth session mmg fun.
kolej aku la yg plg simple dow p ramlee musical and in booth decorations.
sediy lak rase.maklum r kolej kiteorg kedekut so budget a bit tight la.
kiteorg mmg grateful gler2 dpt kmb instead of kms.
haha....1st time rase hepy giler baik kmb.
rase lawak lak ow.
games kiteorg mmg laku r.ramai yg dtg melawat.
tp kmb xde mng pape pn.
but as long as we hav fun aku xkisah mane pn mng kalah ni.
during amazing language race pn, group aku kalah gak.
2nd last yg sampai.hua3..
but it's ok coz i had a gud laugh.
ade sorang mamat ni mmg lawak giler dow.
sakit perut aku ketawakan die je.
agk2 kan brape CAS hours yg kiteorg dpt ek??
hrp2 r byk ow.kalo x wat sediy je.
da r aku pegy kms trus dpt flu.
mmg pembawa malang r tempat 2.
nw da ok sket la.semalam lg teruk.
headache cam ke ape.rase nk ketuk je pale ni kat dinding.
tis weekend mmg aku nk balik dow.
nk makan.rndu r nk makan nasi kat umah.
xley bayang camne r keadaan aku in 2 years ni.
kalo dpt kurus ok la gak.