Friday, August 7, 2009

dreading my return to kmb

mlz nye la nk balik kmb..
isk3...after a week of doing absolutely nothing
(reading 6 books within the week actually),
rse cam mlz r nk masuk ngn lab report..
aish...pemalas betul la aku ni...
camne nk ubah sikap yg x bgs ni..
after 5 years of skewl without doing any hw,
it's a torture having to hand in hw according to deadline.
ni pn baru sem 1..sem yg plg relax..
xdpt aku byg camne sem2 yg akn dtg..
bakal bz ngn IA, EE and so on....

the only way i can finish up my lab reports and so on is that i go to the class and do them there..
kalo masuk bilik,sah aku studo instead of study...
erm..folio PI aku lgsg xwat lg..
the deadline is nearing but i still havent felt d need to do them yet..
hua3...will i ever change??
juz wait & c huh..

although there are perks at being bz and all..
u tend to forget ur probs & boy i really love that..
tp kan bler nk tido je, mule la teringat benda2 alah yg aku rase bodo nk mampus.

korang doa2 kan la utk aku ek..
so that i can survive the 2 years here
and so that i can finally finally get over HIM..
pray for me guys..huhuh

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