Saturday, August 15, 2009


after almost 3 months xjupe, jupe gak sera td!!
pi hang out kat midvalley..
cam rndu giler dow kat die..
mai xsmpt jupe coz die balik umah aunty die lak tis weekend..
tp xpe..coz esk mesti smpt jupe dow coz aku stay kat um 2nite..
gler besh dow lifestyle kat cni....
jeles siot ok!!!jauh beza ngan lifestyle kat kmb yg sebijik cam skewl..

esk nk pi klcc & pavilion lak..
bez kan ari ni je da melayang rm300 dow..
aish...wani!!! ko kene berjimat sket..
terkezut aku tgk2 dlm purse tggal rm12 je lg..
bapak giler r..hua3
tis is the bez weekend ever!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


today in class, aaron & irfan are gonna go for klimun..
sum programs related to UN..
those who got brilliant proposals on how to eradicate poverty in the world will have a chance to go to see the UN to present their proposals.

im not interested in that kind of thing actually..
what really caught my interest is that the programme will be held in INTI cllge.
the participants are gonna stay in the cllge's hostel..
i was like what the hell?????
INTI?????of all places??

argh its like im in between on whether to join the programme or not.. really3 crazy..and masochistic....
what the hell was i thinking abt??
what abt my determination to get over the whole thing??
it's so confusing...i can't think straight for a moment there..
it's like i was dazed etc...
what a big impact it has on me..

help me sum1!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


gile gile dan sgt gile..

hari ahad yg lalu,ade la satu kejadian yg sgt mengarot jd kat aku.
spupu aku ckp, 'mr. x' ade gf laen..
aku jd speechless.rase cam berderai jantung aku atas way.takkan 'dia' ade gf laen..mesti la 'dia' bgtau aku kalo 'dia' ade org laen.aku rase cam lost gile.serabut gile kepale otak..

spupu aku pn cite la bla bla bla plus ngan bukti yg agak sahih dan bleh dipercayai..

aku rase sedih gile..sanggup 'dia' wat cmtu kat aku.slame ni aku je yg stil tgu 'dia' tp at the same time 'dia' dgn sng hati jumpe org laen..sampai hati btol.=(


lepas beberapa minit menyiasat..
aku gumbira..

sebab spupu aku da salah tafsir n salah org.

alhamdulillah...n maknanya 'mr. x' aku xde gf laen.haha.lalala.

kisah yg sgt stupid kn?aish..
