Friday, July 17, 2009


sangat stress study. okey dot.
rilex aje, nnti blh jadi gile.
tp knp semua budak jpa study 24 jam?
oh dikau bukan manusia.

budak lelaki & pmpuan same je, sgt nerd.
benci goh.

benci ar.homework aku slalu siap yg plg lewat.
aku semacam, ehh bile plak diorg buat?
&& jeles giler, diorg siap buat notes sndiri once cg dh aja.
cam ape jeh.

ape korg x tido ke?
study day and night?
tolong ar, aku blh jadi stress mengadap org cmnih.

papepun, aku enjoy life.
live life to the max.
bak ckp ms ng, chemistry teacher.
try to know others.
not knowing books only.

ok lah.ciao.


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