Thursday, July 16, 2009

english carnival here i cum!!

solo & azim

bersemangat dow mamat 2 org ni menampal daun2 kat board game 2.
theme for our college's booth is hawaai so kiteorg tampal la daun2 so that nampak cam hawaaian sket la kan.da r kiteorg wat benda alah ni laz minute ow.
jd rushing lak wat this thing.
actually Solo is in group P Ramlee musical but coz die ade free time,die tlg r kiteorg.
nasib baik gak r.kalo x pyh gak ow.
da r esok nk pegy KMS da.
but we're already finish almost 98% by now.
cume aku risau benda alah tu hancur je ow.
cam giler fragile.
and azim lak cam suggest kiteorg letak sign 'Fragile! Please throw with care'
xley blah dow idea 2.xpenah di buat org.aiyo..
sakit perut aku gelakkan idea die yg mengarut tu.
and the funniest thing is he really serious abt it.
after the english carnival is over, insyaallah aku akn postkan pic2 during the carnival.
tp kan aku still bengang ngan internet kat cni dow.
aku kene grounded actually but rayuan aku diterima semalam.
alhamdulillah la..kalo x xley balik aku nex week ow.
xsanggup!!!!kebulur aku duduk kat cni ow.
rindu dow nak makan nasi...
kat cni aku cam xley nk trime r food kat dewan selera.
kalo makan je msti cam nak muntah ow.
laz weekend kan aku balik kemaman coz ade tahlil.
cam ke org giler je aku ni melantak.
on friday aku melantak 2 burger (1 burger yg dibeli di food court and another 1 beli kat burger king wic is double black pepper)and aku makan half of french chicken yg nenek aku x abiskan.
so almost 3 burgers r aku lantak.haha
giler da aku ni ow.
then the nex day aku makan nasi giler punye banyak.da r banyak, 3 kali lak aku makan 2.
1st time at 2, then at 5 and lastly at 10 at nite.
then biler balik KMB trus hlg appetite aku.
sampai aku rase cam xcaye je betul ke aku melantak makanan banyak giler kat umah when kat cni lgsg xde berselera nak makan.
sian lak kat aku kan????
nasib baik r ley balik every weekend.
xde r aku kebulur ngat.hehe
mmg melayang r azam aku nk diet.hahahah
cakap je lebih aku ni.
tp kan dwet aku byk abs dow duk kat cni.
kejap je lesap.ntah aku gune utk ape.aish...

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