Wednesday, July 22, 2009

wanna share sumthing

when you lose someone close to your heart
see your world fall apart and you try to go on but it seems so hard
allah knows allah knows

it's a quote from a song..
ayat ni kan btl2 tepat utk menggambarkan diri aku 3 bln yg lps babe..
mase tu kan allah je la tempat aku mengadu..
mcm kan mase 2 mmg dugaan paling hebat la yang aku penah alami..
erm..renungkan lah yerk..
anyhow aku tetap bersyukur coz aku ade VV gang yg always there for me..
thanx babe!!!

they say it takes a minute to find a special person
an hour to appreciate them
a day to love them
and an entire life to forget them

i'm not sure abt the 1st three lines but hell yea it takes
an entire life to get over the person that you love babe..
it's been almost 4 years..aku pn da naik cuak ow..
ntah pape la aku ni..nak kate bodo result spm aku ley thn gak r biapn bkn straight a's.
erm..for me falling in love once is more than enough to last me a lifetime dow..
mebi sumday aku akn jupe gak sum1 that is meant for me..
jodoh kan di tangan allah..
so berserah je r kan kan kan...
juz enjoy life...ngeee
sorry kalo jiwang sket post aku kali ni..
aku pn ngah agak xbrape nak btl ni..

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