Thursday, June 23, 2011


I miss all of yewwwww. Balik nanti jumpa di Kemamang, Wani,Mai,Sera,Najwe and org yang paling jauh, Zaza.

Lotsoflove, trah <3

Monday, December 14, 2009

gunung ledang

berjaya gak aku twn gng ldg ow.
bia pn halfway 2 aku almost giv up tp
cause of encouragement frm the group, brjaya gak aku sampai puncak.ahakz

thanx n sorry a lot guys ek sbb aku r plg lmbt daki.
sbb aku korg yg kat blakang pn jd lmbt.
mmg trip ni plg memorable n the bez ever.

sume org sporting n xsia2 aku masuk group seniors.ngee
pnt 1 bdn ow.mmg pnt nk mampus r.
that's gonna be d 1st n last time aku daki gng.
but at the very least aku ley merasa gak pengalaman mendaki.
mmg pnt aku sume hlg bler ade kat pncak tp bler nk turun 2 agak seksa gak r.
sampai terketar ketar lutut aku.ahakz
nsb gak kaki aku x cramp.kalo x lg naya ow.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the apple of my eye..

there's a nice boy i met last week,

we played volleyball together,

people would think that he's just an ordinary boy,

but he was so good at volleyball(and that's extraordinary for me),

that's why he's the apple of my eye...

=) mai

Saturday, September 5, 2009

1st weekend in KMB

ni r 1st time aku spend weekend kat KMB.
usually aku balik Keramat.
even roomate aku terkejut dow aku xbalik.ahakz

nex week ade math and chem test.
aku mmg xredy lgsg!!
and then ade lab reports lak (1 chem rep and 2 phy rep)
1 ape pn xwat lg dow.aish..

stats lak aku da lupe coz lme ngat tggal.
cgu byk tumpu kat functions and so on & nw i dun even noe what's measure of spread.
mati r aku test kali ni.
if test pn aku xley nk jwb, camne r ngan final sem exm nnti.

Friday, August 28, 2009


keje aku relax je kat umah cuti ni..
& wat itgs tp keje lain jgn hrp aku nk wat.
aiyo bler la aku nk buang sikap mlz aku ni ek..
erk...nex week ade standardized test...
mati r aku ow..isk3

Saturday, August 15, 2009


after almost 3 months xjupe, jupe gak sera td!!
pi hang out kat midvalley..
cam rndu giler dow kat die..
mai xsmpt jupe coz die balik umah aunty die lak tis weekend..
tp xpe..coz esk mesti smpt jupe dow coz aku stay kat um 2nite..
gler besh dow lifestyle kat cni....
jeles siot ok!!!jauh beza ngan lifestyle kat kmb yg sebijik cam skewl..

esk nk pi klcc & pavilion lak..
bez kan ari ni je da melayang rm300 dow..
aish...wani!!! ko kene berjimat sket..
terkezut aku tgk2 dlm purse tggal rm12 je lg..
bapak giler r..hua3
tis is the bez weekend ever!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


today in class, aaron & irfan are gonna go for klimun..
sum programs related to UN..
those who got brilliant proposals on how to eradicate poverty in the world will have a chance to go to see the UN to present their proposals.

im not interested in that kind of thing actually..
what really caught my interest is that the programme will be held in INTI cllge.
the participants are gonna stay in the cllge's hostel..
i was like what the hell?????
INTI?????of all places??

argh its like im in between on whether to join the programme or not.. really3 crazy..and masochistic....
what the hell was i thinking abt??
what abt my determination to get over the whole thing??
it's so confusing...i can't think straight for a moment there..
it's like i was dazed etc...
what a big impact it has on me..

help me sum1!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


gile gile dan sgt gile..

hari ahad yg lalu,ade la satu kejadian yg sgt mengarot jd kat aku.
spupu aku ckp, 'mr. x' ade gf laen..
aku jd speechless.rase cam berderai jantung aku atas way.takkan 'dia' ade gf laen..mesti la 'dia' bgtau aku kalo 'dia' ade org laen.aku rase cam lost gile.serabut gile kepale otak..

spupu aku pn cite la bla bla bla plus ngan bukti yg agak sahih dan bleh dipercayai..

aku rase sedih gile..sanggup 'dia' wat cmtu kat aku.slame ni aku je yg stil tgu 'dia' tp at the same time 'dia' dgn sng hati jumpe org laen..sampai hati btol.=(


lepas beberapa minit menyiasat..
aku gumbira..

sebab spupu aku da salah tafsir n salah org.

alhamdulillah...n maknanya 'mr. x' aku xde gf laen.haha.lalala.

kisah yg sgt stupid kn?aish..


Friday, August 7, 2009

dreading my return to kmb

mlz nye la nk balik kmb..
isk3...after a week of doing absolutely nothing
(reading 6 books within the week actually),
rse cam mlz r nk masuk ngn lab report..
aish...pemalas betul la aku ni...
camne nk ubah sikap yg x bgs ni..
after 5 years of skewl without doing any hw,
it's a torture having to hand in hw according to deadline.
ni pn baru sem 1..sem yg plg relax..
xdpt aku byg camne sem2 yg akn dtg..
bakal bz ngn IA, EE and so on....

the only way i can finish up my lab reports and so on is that i go to the class and do them there..
kalo masuk bilik,sah aku studo instead of study...
erm..folio PI aku lgsg xwat lg..
the deadline is nearing but i still havent felt d need to do them yet..
hua3...will i ever change??
juz wait & c huh..

although there are perks at being bz and all..
u tend to forget ur probs & boy i really love that..
tp kan bler nk tido je, mule la teringat benda2 alah yg aku rase bodo nk mampus.

korang doa2 kan la utk aku ek..
so that i can survive the 2 years here
and so that i can finally finally get over HIM..
pray for me guys..huhuh

Thursday, August 6, 2009

aku bangge jd anok teghanung.

baru2 ni aku ade la bace se buku ni.tajuk ye GROWING UP IN TRENGGANU(ihsan kak emi).
penulih ye AWANG GONENG a.k.a WAN A.HULAIMI.
dalang buku tu ye cite la pasal teghanung.....pasa kepok,budu.kuale teghanung,kemamang,sejaroh teghanung,rakyak2 teghanung,kambing,pokok nyor,n so on so on mase zamang ye kecek2 dulu..(4 those who have problems to understand diz,i'm sorry...).

n it make me realize dat my hometown n my 'teghanung' is such an interesting n of course a unique place.
dis awg goneng is so proud to be a terengganuer.
when i read his blog juz now,he taught all the readers on how to understand terengganuspeaks..n dat was so cool mannn!
though he's living in London now,he never forget his only TERENGGANU.

by producing such a nice book,i guess awg goneng had managed to promote teghanung all over the world..
well, u can search 4 his blog kalu2 rase nok blajo cakak teghanung laa..

n dats y la aku rase nok cakak teghanung je.haha.
n of coz aku sangak2 berbangge jd anok jati teghanung. =)


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

a relaxing week

x psl2 aku demam ow..cuak gak takut2 kene h1n1..
tp alhamdulillah la stakat dmm bese je..
nw aku da almost sembuh sepenuhnye..juz kdg2 pening2 lalat..

aku ni kan azam je lebih..konon2 nk study la bler balik umah..
buku physics & statistics yg berat nk mampus cume jd perhiasan dlm beg je..
xbukak lgsg pn..ahakz...
aku lepas geram bace novel babe...dekat bape bulan xbace..
ape nk jd ngan aku ni..
phy lab report xsiap lg..
1 ape pn xstudy for quiz nnti..
tp adakah aku panic??
tak lgsg babe..
makin relax ade r..hua3

Friday, July 31, 2009

home sweet home

can't wait to be back in kemaman!!!
i really3 miss my cats, my grandma's cooking and etc...
tp yg xbeshnye cuti sem kene tolak lak..

cuak dow bler dgr 11 ppl at my cllge +ve H1N1..
erm...hrp2 aku selamat dr sume 2..
stakat ni pn aku still sihat lg..
xde pn demam2 ni kan..

balik ni mmg aku nk bace buku je keje...
bkn buku s2dy pn tp buku citer..ahakz..
ade bwk balik buku phy and stat tp ho la..
agak ssh r utk aku membuka buku2 yg sedemikian rupe.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

quote by mark twain

Twenty years from now you will be more dissappointed by the things that you didn't do than the one you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.Sail away from your safe harbour.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.


uisk cam xpercaye je aku semalam dow.
1st time aku makan byk kat bumi kmb ni.
kalo x cam org nk diet je dr gaye aku makan..

ok laz nite after ceramah agama kat surau
(yg giler3 panjang sampai aku yg starving giler ni rase pedih perut)
aku trus pi foodcourt.wanna noe what the hell i ate??
nasi goreng kampung + ayam goreng + burger ayam + aiskrim goreng

banyak giler dow..x penah2 aku makan sebanyak 2 kat kmb ni.
aku pn same terkejut semalam babe..
2 x include mee tomyam yg aku cilik sket from mahalia.hehe..
giler la aku ni kalo bab2 makan..
and and im so damn happy today coz ley balik umah 4 d weekend!!!!
yippe!!!!!!!!!!!ley makan besh2!ley on9!
ley mcm2 la ape yg org slalu wat kat umah..ngee

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


rindu gile VV girls!
ntah bile diri ni akan balik kemaman..
macam dah bertahun2 tak jumpe.
haih! rindu keropok lekor, pantai, SI2, sleepover..
semue bende kat kemaman kot..

ok...dah blank

pape pun, korang take care ye di mane2 pun korang brade skrg ni..

lovelove ZAZA